Week in Review: Watch out! It’s a whirlwind of a week!
April 23rd – 29th
Wow. This was a jammed pack week! This was the week I found out I was accepted to a bunch of races I’d entered, I finally did a track workout ending in meters, I ran in some new super sweet shorts and I had a surprise 16 mile run. Oh and I had another night with eleven hours of sleep. It was a whirlwind!
Good thing I started the week off in my usual state of zen: Monday an hour of flow yoga (yes with a nice dose of restorative at the end). No bike… yep, I chose sleep. Again.
Tuesday was a beautiful morning. I was up earlier than normal and excited to sport my new roga shorts from Oiselle. I’d run my tempo workout in them the week before and was well pleased (this from a die-hard lulu speed short fan).

New shorts… You can’t tell in this pic but my hat is purple, yellow and white plaid… super sweet. I know.
I might be between sizes (in the shorts), I think these are supposed to be more tight-fitting but I like the looser fit. I might try a size down the next go around. As for the run, it felt great! I was worried after the hilly long run on Sunday I might be sore but the yoga helped fend that off :).
Wednesday I was back on the track and greeted with 6 x 1000 meters. Yep, intervals not tempo. Dang.
I left the office and the skies were clear, well at least they were clear to the east. Unfortunately I was going west. Double dang.
So it rained. Not just a drizzle but more of a monsoon. At least it was a warm monsoon and as we made out way to the track and then from the comfort shelter of an awning, the rains dried up only to start again when I was safely back in my car after a hard workout and long cool down. Sweet! I’ll take what I can get!
The workout was 6 x1000m and I was pleasantly surprised with how it went. You can check my recap out if you want all the glorious boring details but basically I quit going to the track back in February after two failed workouts ending in meters instead of miles (okay one of them was mile repeats but it falls into the meter category (1600 to be exact)).
Thursday I actually woke-up early and ran my mid long run before work. Okay, truth be told I didn’t want to get up early but I couldn’t sleep so I just got up and ran.
My legs felt great at first.
Right after I took this picture another runner raced by me… she must have thought I was insane… I don’t blame her.
All was going awesome until mile 6. My awesome morning turned into this:
Yeah, those last 4 miles were far from pretty and seemed much, much (much) longer than they actually were.
Friday I was just too tired to run. I was fighting off a sore throat and made the good life choice to sleep and take the day off (from running). I should have taken the day off of work but that’s another story (for another blog).
I awoke from 11 hours of sleep (just like last Friday) and opted for and easy 45 minute run. If felt good and I figured I might just get a little more speed in this week.
And I did, with a combo workout: long run + pacing. Its pretty crazy what a little rest can do. I ran 10 miles pretty easy and then ran 2 x 2 miles at about half marathon pace (a little faster). Again I won’t bore you with the details but you can checkout the full recap if you’re bored.
And if all that amazing running wasn’t enough fun and excitement I found out I get to run some fun races!!!! I was selected to run on the Nuun blogging team for Hood to Coast and my group was selected to run to run the Nike Women’s Marathon in SFO!!!! (I’ll be running the half :))
Yep, it was a whirlwind.
I need a nap.
run pretty run fast